How to Take Milky Way Photos with iPhone?

The Milky Way, our very own galaxy, is a spectacular sight to behold. In a world that’s increasingly urbanized and lit, the magic of our galaxy often hides behind the veil of light pollution. Yet, there is a way to capture this astronomical wonder without investing in pricey equipment. You might be surprised to learn that your iPhone can serve as your passport to the cosmos.

Astrophotography, specifically capturing the Milky Way with an iPhone, is not only possible but also thrilling. Over recent years, advancements in iPhone cameras have made it feasible to capture the mesmerizing beauty of the night sky. With the right techniques, you can take stunning pictures of the Milky Way, using nothing more than your iPhone.

Unlocking the potential of your iPhone and the beauty of the night sky is an exciting journey. There’s a unique joy in being able to capture the grandeur of the universe right from your own backyard. This guide will walk you through the entire process, ensuring you know how to create awe-inspiring images that bring the stars a little closer to home.

Understanding the Basics of Astrophotography

Quick Introduction to Astrophotography

Astrophotography is a specialized type of photography that involves capturing images of celestial objects and large areas of the night sky. It can range from photographing constellations and shooting stars to capturing distant galaxies like our Milky Way.

How Smartphone Cameras Have Advanced

The rise of smartphones with advanced camera technology has made astrophotography more accessible than ever before. iPhones, in particular, have become more advanced, featuring larger sensors, better low-light capabilities, and powerful image-processing software, thus opening up new possibilities for night photography.

Preparing Your iPhone for Astrophotography

Choosing the Right iPhone Model

While it’s true that older iPhone models can be used for astrophotography, the later models – starting from iPhone 11 Pro and onwards – have a definite advantage. These models feature Night mode, which is Apple’s low-light photography feature. This feature uses machine learning and the A13 chip (or later) to optimize the details in the captured picture and decrease the noise. Additionally, these models have larger sensors that allow more light, critical for photographing under starlight. So, if you want to capture a high-quality image of the Milky Way, you might want to consider using a recent model.

Adjusting iPhone Settings

Before you start your photographic adventure, make sure your iPhone settings are optimized for the task. First, turn off the flash as you need natural light, not artificial. Enable HDR (High Dynamic Range) to bring out the most color and detail in your photos. Adjust the focus to infinite (∞), which is crucial for shooting stars millions of miles away. You can adjust exposure for better shots. Lower exposure will darken the sky and make the stars pop out more. If you’re using an iPhone 11 or newer, use Night mode, which automatically comes on in low-light environments.

Apps for Milky Way Photography

While your iPhone camera is powerful, you can extend its capabilities with specific apps. NightCap Camera is a popular choice for iPhone astrophotography as it offers extended ISO and long exposure capabilities. The app also includes a dedicated Stars Mode that’s designed for photographing stars and constellations. Star Walk helps with identifying stars, satellites, and constellations. PhotoPills, apart from helping you plan your Milky Way photography, is also useful for post-processing of your night sky photos.

What is the Best Time to Photograph the Milky Way?

Milky Way’s Visibility

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, can be seen in different months depending on your location. In the Northern Hemisphere, the galactic core is most visible from March to October. However, remember that a clear, dark sky is the most crucial factor in capturing the Milky Way. Hence, check your local weather forecast to ensure there are no clouds that could obstruct your view.

Understanding Lunar Phases and Light Pollution

Light pollution from urban environments can significantly impact the visibility of the Milky Way. Try to find locations away from city lights for the best visibility. Also, the moon’s brightness can wash out the Milky Way’s glow, making it less visible. Therefore, it’s best to plan your photography sessions during the new moon phase when moonlight won’t interfere with your stargazing.

Using Apps for Prediction

Various mobile apps can help you plan your Milky Way photography sessions. PhotoPills is an excellent choice as it gives you the Milky Way’s position and visibility times based on your location. Stellarium, another fantastic app, provides a realistic sky in 3D, similar to what one might see with a telescope.

How to Set Up Your iPhone for Milky Way Photography

Adjusting iPhone Settings for Night Sky

Before you start shooting, make sure to adjust your iPhone settings again for the night sky. Turn on Night mode if it’s available on your model. If your app allows manual focus, set the focus to infinity (∞). Set your exposure time: the longer the exposure, the more light will be captured. But remember, very long exposures might result in star trails due to the Earth’s rotation.

Importance of Stability

Given that you’ll be capturing long exposures to capture the faint light of the Milky Way, stability is crucial. Even the slightest camera movement can result in blurry images. To ensure sharp and clear photos, use a tripod to keep your iPhone steady. This will eliminate any hand movements or shakes that could affect the image quality.

Additionally, using a remote shutter or a self-timer function can further reduce the risk of camera shake. By not physically touching your iPhone while capturing the image, you minimize the chances of introducing unwanted movement.

Additional Equipment

While capturing the Milky Way with just your iPhone is entirely possible, there are some additional equipment options that can enhance your astrophotography experience. One such option is a clip-on lens. These lenses attach to your iPhone’s camera and can expand its field of view, allowing you to capture a wider expanse of the night sky. Wide-angle lenses, in particular, are popular choices for astrophotography as they can capture more stars and context in a single shot.

When choosing a clip-on lens, look for one with good optical quality and a wide aperture to gather more light. Keep in mind that using lenses might require adjustments to your camera settings and focus distance, so familiarize yourself with the lens and its specific requirements.

Techniques for Capturing the Milky Way on Your iPhone

Composition Tips for Captivating Milky Way Photos

To create visually striking Milky Way photos, pay attention to the composition. Look for interesting foreground elements that can add depth and context to your image. This could be a tree, a mountain range, a body of water, or any other object that complements the beauty of the night sky. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the most captivating composition.

The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that can be applied to astrophotography as well. Imagine dividing your frame into a 3×3 grid, and trying to position the Milky Way or other key elements along these gridlines or at their intersections. This technique can create a visually pleasing and balanced composition.

Focusing at Night

Focusing can be a challenge in low-light conditions, especially when capturing distant objects like stars. To ensure sharp focus, switch your camera to manual focus mode if available. Set the focus to infinity (∞) to ensure distant objects are in focus. If your iPhone doesn’t have manual focus, you can try using an app that offers manual control over focus, such as NightCap Camera.

Using Long Exposure for Stunning Milky Way Shots

Capturing the Milky Way often requires longer exposure times to gather enough light. This allows the stars to appear brighter and more detailed in your photos. To achieve long exposures on your iPhone, you can use apps like NightCap Camera or ProCamera that offer manual control over exposure time.

When setting your exposure time, consider the balance between capturing enough light and avoiding overexposure. Experiment with different exposure times to find the right balance and achieve the desired level of brightness in your Milky Way shots.

How to Edit Milky Way Photos on iPhone?

Introduction to Post-Processing Milky Way Photos

Post-processing plays a crucial role in enhancing the beauty and impact of your Milky Way photos. While the iPhone’s built-in editing tools can help to some extent, using dedicated photo editing apps can provide more control and flexibility. These apps offer a range of adjustments and filters specifically designed for astrophotography.

Recommended Apps for Editing Astrophotography on iPhone

There are several excellent apps available for editing astrophotography on your iPhone. One of the most popular choices is Adobe Lightroom Mobile, which offers a wide range of tools for adjusting exposure, contrast, color, and more. Other notable apps include Snapseed, ProCamera, and Darkroom, each with its own set of powerful editing features.

Step-by-Step Editing Techniques for Milky Way Shots

While editing preferences can vary, there are some common techniques you can apply when editing your Milky Way photos. Start by adjusting the exposure and contrast to bring out the details in the stars and the Milky Way. Fine-tune the color balance to ensure an accurate representation of the night sky. You can also experiment with other adjustments such as highlights and shadows, clarity, and sharpness to refine the overall look of your image.

Remember, the goal of editing is to enhance the natural beauty of the Milky Way without overdoing it. Keep the adjustments subtle and focus on maintaining the integrity of the scene you captured.

Troubleshooting Common Problems in iPhone Milky Way Photography

Dealing with Blurry Stars

Blurry stars can be caused by various factors such as camera movement, focus issues, or long exposure times. To reduce blurriness, ensure your iPhone is mounted on a stable tripod and use a remote shutter or self-timer to minimize camera shake. Double-check your focus settings, ensuring that your camera is set to manual focus and the focus is set to infinity (∞). Finally, consider reducing the exposure time if you’re experiencing excessive star trail blurring.

Managing Noise and Graininess

Low-light conditions can introduce noise and graininess in your Milky Way photos. To minimize noise, use lower ISO settings as higher ISO values tend to introduce more noise. Additionally, during the editing process, you can use noise reduction tools available in photo editing apps to further reduce noise and enhance the overall image quality.

Avoiding Overexposure

When capturing the Milky Way, it’s essential to find the right balance between capturing enough light and avoiding overexposure. If your photos are consistently overexposed, consider reducing the exposure time or adjusting other camera settings like ISO and aperture. Additionally, during the editing process, you can fine-tune the exposure and highlights to achieve the desired balance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you really see the Milky Way with the naked eye?

Yes, under ideal conditions, away from light pollution, the Milky Way can be visible to the naked eye. However, capturing its intricate details requires a camera with low-light capabilities like the iPhone.

Can any iPhone capture the Milky Way?

While most iPhone models have improved low-light capabilities, the later models, such as the iPhone 11 Pro and newer, are better equipped for capturing the Milky Way due to features like Night mode and larger sensors.

How can I make my Milky Way photos sharper?

To achieve sharper Milky Way photos, ensure that your iPhone is stable on a tripod to minimize camera shake. Set the focus to infinity (∞) and use manual focus if available. Additionally, using lower ISO settings and reducing exposure time can help minimize blurriness.


Capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of the Milky Way with your iPhone is an exciting journey that combines technology, creativity, and a sense of wonder. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can unlock the potential of your iPhone’s camera and capture stunning photos of our galaxy. Remember to choose the right iPhone model, adjust the settings for night photography, plan your shoots during optimal times, and explore editing techniques to enhance your Milky Way photos. With practice and perseverance, you’ll be able to create breathtaking images that showcase the splendor of the night sky. Happy photographing!

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